Tag Archives: Trouble

August 25, 2015

The trouble with writing for living, which is what I am doing increasingly, is that parts of you start to hurt. I have just started work on a new book on contemporary origami artists, while continuing to write art-related articles, prepare and give a handful of lectures. Around all this writing, I have to manage my 5th grader and his homework and play dates and somehow find the time to squeeze in visits to my chiropractor and massage therapist to remove the hideous knots that are already fossilizing in my neck and shoulders. And then there are my wrists that are already starting to get achy in yoga classes again – and sometimes even my bum gets numb from all the sitting! Occupational hazards, I suppose. After a day of writing it can be hard to sit back down at the computer and start writing another 400-500 words. I have a feeling my blogs may be getting shorter over the next few months.

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